Associazione Malik

4 minors for their Erasmus in Romania

Summer is the ideal time for international experiences, and our young participants who just returned from Romania know it well!

The youth exchange ERASMUS PLUS for minors “Compass of Values” allowed 4 youngsters and a group leader from Gavoi, Mamoiada, Ovodda, and Austis to engage in an international environment on the principles and values that guide teenagers’ decisions and define their lifestyle. A true journey of self-discovery, which the participants describe as follows!

Caterina: “From June 1st to 8th, I was in Romania in the Transylvania region for an experience with other three other Sardinian youngsters and Macedonian, Romanian, and Spanish youth. There, we did many activities and group games. These activities took place during the day, while in the evenings, we had intercultural evenings where each of us presented our nation. During these evenings, we made a small presentation of our country, then offered typical food and played music. These were my favorite part of the day because I had a lot of fun, and we all spent time together and could do what we wanted while respecting the camp rules. On the first day, I had some difficulties with English because I was afraid to speak, thinking I would make mistakes, but from the second day on, I set aside my shyness and started speaking right away. One day, we also went on a hike in the Carpathians, which was very beautiful because we spent the whole day in nature and saw many animals. I met new people who taught me many things about their countries and made me have fun. It was a wonderful experience that I would like to do again.”

Francesco: “At first, I was a bit skeptical about the experience in Romania since it was an Erasmus trip before the end of the school year, and I was worried. In the end, I was relaxed and carefree. All the things that happened during those days made me realize more and more how important it is to have these kinds of experiences abroad. By the end of the trip, I could easily talk to everyone both in terms of language—we understood each other perfectly in English—but especially in a very friendly way. I talked with those guys as if I had known them for years. Now, two of them want to host me at their home this summer. Thanks for everything to the Malik association.”

Francesca: “This trip to Romania helped me better understand my identity and values. Before this experience, I had never sat down to think about things we discussed, like our presence in our relationships with others or what makes a person trustworthy. I also had the chance to meet many people from different cultures, which helped me develop my ability to understand others and be open to hospitality and inclusion with new awareness. Finally, waking up every morning to the sound of birds and a breathtaking view definitely favored our concentration and new international friendships. I am very grateful for having had this extraordinary opportunity for growth and meeting in the heart of Europe.”

Martina: “Participating in this trip was great, despite missing home and being far away. We did various activities, including games and mountain hikes. We spoke only English with the kids from other countries, and we formed a beautiful friendship, so much so that even a week later, we were still in touch. We also organized cultural evenings with the kids from our own country, where we had the others try our typical food and dance to our songs. Each country had a group leader whose task was to guide and help all the kids during the trip; if there were language issues, personal problems like fears or anxieties, or difficulties in relating to others, you could always ask them for help. Of course, there were also many capable people there who offered all possible support, including other foreign kids you met there or from your own country. It was a great experience that I recommend everyone to have at least once.”

Giulia: “The days in Romania went by very quickly. We sorted our values, explored them, and reorganized them. There were moments of reflection and introspection, during which a few tears were shed. Serious moments alternated with lighter, laughter-filled moments. We saw how bright the stars were and how green the nature around us was. “Compass of Values,” the name of the project, truly was a compass and will be for our future steps. This time, I accompanied and acted as group leader for some teenagers on their Erasmus. Wow, what a blast. So many things happened, sometimes I wondered why I did it, but then yesterday, in a strange moment of calm, they told me they felt sad on the last day and that they loved the experience. So, no… All this has paid me back ❤️ Fly free and be citizens of the world 🌍 Thanks always to Sportello in Spalla and ❤️@iptaromania

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