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Associazione Malik

We’ve got the power. A Youth Exchange Erasmus Plus in cooperation with Poland


Participants from Italy, Greece, Romania, Turkey and Poland aged 14-17.

We are a group of young people from difficult environments. It was quite difficult for us to develop effectively and some life circumstances made us feel less self-confident and we don’t use our potential fully. Most of us have never been abroad and didn’t have any contact with people from different countries.

The “We’ve got the power” project is an opportunity for us to overcome these barriers and limitations. We want to create situations in which we will be able to recognize our hidden potential. Based on mutual exchange, we will expand the scope of our skills and competencies. Above all, however, we want to convince ourselves of our own value and prove our surroundings, and above all, that we have the power to overcome difficulties and that we can do wonderful things. Thanks to activities prepared for others, we will feel needed and valuable, we will change the way we look at ourselves, our lives, and the situations we encounter. We will gain faith in our own abilities and the fact that we are able to cross borders and change our lives for the better.

In the project, we planned some activities to overcome our barriers. We will organize city games, video presentations, workshops We’ve got the power” to discover our potential. Each group will have a workshop in which we will learn from each other: artistic, sport and other skills. Thank to this experience we will learn how to teach others. We will meet other brave people who overcome life difficulties and become successful people in their jobs and private lifes. Their life stories will be our inspiration. After this, we will prepare and realize social projects for example artistic performances, cultural animations, happenings, etc. It will be presented to some local groups: old people in elderly houses, kids in kindergartens, handicapped people or a usual passer-by in the market square) We want to show the result of the project in that way by giving public presentations and cooperating with other people.

Thanks to realized activities we will feel the power to make the attractive thing and overcome occurring barriers.

Thanks to project we can discover our unknowing potential. We will overcome our weaknesses and resistances and develop skills by mutual exchange. The new knowledge we will use in our educational path and later on in our career path. Our inspirations will be people who overcome difficult life situations and were successful. The most important thing for us is that we will improve our self-esteem and gain new motivation to act. For the first time in our life we will realize independently international project, we will start believing in ourselves, and it will give us the power to change the world and do wonderful things. We will also get youthpass for the participation in the project and it will certify our new competences, creativity, engagement and organizational experience. The youthpass will help us to get to new schools and new, attractive jobs. The project will be for us the first occasion to go abroad and meet people from different countries and speak English to them. It will be a very important experience motivating us to try educational or professional life in a different country. The project will encourage us to act, believe in our own power to overcome occurring difficulties.

Do you want to see how it went? Watch the video below!

Nel mese di dicembre 2021, Sportello in Spalla ha organizzato il progetto “WE’VE GOT THE POWER!”, presso l’ Hotel Taloro (Gavoi).

I partecipanti, ragazzi minorenni di Lodine, Gavoi e Olzai, si sono concentrati sul tema dei talenti e si sono cimentati a entrare nei ruoli dei loro compagni.

Tantissime le tematiche trattate e le attività svolte: dai vari sport alla cucina, per poi concludere con viaggio, musica, lettura e scrittura.

Ricordiamo che il progetto in realtà è nato come uno scambio giovanile inserito nel programma Erasmus Plus, da organizzare in Polonia ma, a causa dell’ emergenza sanitaria, è stato reinventato dalle operatrici di Malik E.T.S, che hanno cercato di tracciare comunque un filo tra la Barbagia e la Polonia, tenendo anche una lezione interattiva su questa bellissima nazione nel cuore dell’ Europa.

Potrete scoprire com’è andata l’esperienza in Sardegna, guardando l’intero video qui! (audio italiano) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsEy0_WIJjE

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